Puppy Care

Available in Bromley Cross, Egerton, Edgworth and Harwood.

Puppy Care Package

A reduced rate care package to look after your pup from the day they arrive.

From your puppy’s arrival to the end of vaccination period (usually between 8-12 weeks)

Puppy PicBefore your puppy is fully vaccinated and old enough to go outside we offer a home visit including garden time, toileting, feeding, water, play, cuddle and clean ups!

30 minutes £7.00




From the end of the vaccination period for four weeks (usually between 12-16 weeks)

Puppy JuniorWhen your pup is fully vaccinated (including kennel cough) and old enough to go outside we offer a transition walk.  A home visit, half hour quiet country walk with other specially chosen dogs, towel down, feeding, water, cuddle and clean up.

40 minutes £8.00




At the end of the puppy care package your dog can move up into one of our one hour group walks (subject to availability) and you will be confident that he or she knows us, travels happily in our vehicles, responds to us and gets along with other dogs. Win win! 

The one thing that makes a sociable dog is being allowed and encouraged to be sociable as a puppy.

Many people find the first few months of puppy ownership problematic. The pup can’t go out and mix with other dogs until those vaccinations are fully up to date and yet there’s an important window between 8-14 weeks where your puppy ‘needs’ to build confidence. From around 12-14 weeks puppies should be encouraged to mix with other well balanced dogs in a variety of environments to continue to build their confidence and social skills.

The best way to help your new pup learn those all important social skills is to let them interact with other well behaved dogs in a controlled environment. It’s not always possible to work out if the dogs in the park will play too hard with your pup or whether they want to play at all so getting him a playmate can sometime be hard work. Ever seen those dog owners who walk away with their dogs on a tight lead, change direction when they see you coming and won’t let their dog near you? Nobody wants that for their dog but it happens, often without those owners really realising. For a dog, fear of the new and unknown can start small but it builds over time and the end result can be a dog who simply doesn’t know how to interact with other dogs or people.

Our puppy care package is a great stepping stone between your puppy’s arrival and the glorious big wide world.